Running to help ‘Empty the Tanks’
This time round we get to profile Hannah, another long term Rogue and eco-warrior who donned an orca costume and ran 1 mile repetitions of Brighton and Hove Seafront to simulate the repetition faced by our cetacean friends in their tanks.

General Questions
When did you start running?
I started running reluctantly in 2012 without a clue what I was doing, I think I signed up for a half marathon in London that had music involved too. I put on my converse (I know!) and began pounding the streets of Hackney where I lived at the time. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t make it to the start line as I was injured but I was definitely hooked. I then treated myself to some very pink Nike trainers, signed up for the first ever Hackney Half in 2014 and got a training plan.
Why do you run?
Some days I run for my mind, other days I run for my body but it’s fair to say I absolutely love running. Most of the time I can’t believe I can actually run so never take it for granted. I used to be really into staying up all night, smoking, drinking and going to bed when the sun was coming up!
How important is it to be a member of Rogues?
Being a Rogue is more than just running for me. I have so many really close friends from being a part of the group. I very rarely run alone; I also have a great social circle too. It is fair to say that I don’t think I have ever felt more a part of a community of wonderful, courageous, and super supportive people. Rogues are a diverse bunch of rambunctious rascals, and I wouldn’t want to be a part of any other club in the city.
What is your best running achievement?
PBs aside I have 2 highlights so far. The first was completing my first ultra in 2019 when I ran London to Brighton which was 100km. My 2nd highlight is when I decided to don an orca costume and run a marathon to raise money for Whale and Dolphin Conservation. I did 13 x 2mile laps up and down the prom in July 2020. I thought this would be a solo venture but, in true Rogues style I had so much support, and I didn’t run a step alone.

Races and events
When is your next race and what do you want from it?
My next race is in 2 weeks! It’s Moyleman Marathon and I’m looking forward to it for so many different reasons. I love mixing up trail and road marathons. This one is particularly challenging apparently (I’ve not done it before), but it’s small, local and there are some of my favourite Rogues also doing it.
What are your hopes and expectations for this event?
To not flake on the hills and keep going. Keep smiling and enjoy the pizza at the end! If I have any expectations for an event, they stay hidden until race day. I like to see how I feel when I cross the start line.
What are your favourite pre and post race meals?
Depending on the race distance it’s usually a hearty bowl of porridge, coconut milk and a banana with a strong black coffee. Post-race I’m a firm believer in having a protein filled smoothie – if you look in my kitchen cupboards, I have a range of protein powders that are basically deserts. I’ve been vegan for 8 years now and I’m in my mid 30s so… of course I also love smashed avocado on sourdough bread too!

What other sports do you like?
I’m a purist! Don’t ask me to do a triathlon. I love running … Oh, and occasionally like the odd deadlift or weight session at the gym.
What, or who, are you a “secret” fan of?
I’m a secret fan of Dolly Parton and will always opt for a bit of Dolly if I run with music.
What’s the strangest or useless talent you have?
I can name and ID pretty much all whale and dolphin species! Don’t ask me facts about orcas I’ll bore you tears.
Name one thing on your “bucket” list?
It’s got to be Marathon Des Sables. I think I want to do that in the next 5 years (Before I turn 40!) There you go … It’s out in the open now, I’ll have to do it.
At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
Currently on my way to achieving this with my obsession for all things HOKA, Brooks and Mountain Fuel flapjacks.
Do you have any strange phobias?
YES. I can’t handle oranges, orange peel or orange debris. All of these make my skin crawl. Don’t know why or when it began, totally irrational and weirdly will happily eat orange flavoured things?!