Workout of the week: 003 – 800m Speed Booster

Hey runners!

Looking for a new workout to add to your running routine? Check out our workout of the week below. This workout is a great way to mix up your running routine and get in a good, challenging workout.

Workout of the Week:

1 mile warm up

4 x 800m repeats at a hard effort, with 2 minutes of rest in between each repeat

1 mile cool down

This workout is a great way to work on your speed and endurance. The 800m repeats will really push you to work hard, and the 2 minutes of rest in between will help you recover so that you can give it your all on the next repeat.

Make sure to warm up before you start this workout, and cool down afterwards to help your muscles recover.

Start out with a 1 mile warm up at an easy pace to get your muscles warmed up and your heart rate up.

Then, it’s time for the 800m repeats. For each repeat, push yourself to run at a hard effort. You should be working hard, but still be able to carry on a conversation. The 2 minutes of rest in between each repeat will help you recover so that you can give it your all on the next repeat.

After you’ve completed 4 repeats, it’s time to cool down. Slow your pace down and jog for 1 more mile to help your muscles recover.

This is a great workout to add to your running routine. It’s a great way to work on your speed and endurance. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

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Great workout indeed. you can actually build this one up to 8, 10 or 12 repeats over the course of a couple if weeks.

Last edited 1 year ago by 42runs
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