This time around we
When did you start running?
I was a keen runner at school, then gave it up for Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll. Well not many drugs actually, nor that much Sex.
I then had an early middle-aged epiphany in 2006, whilst recovering from depression and found running again.
Why do you run
What is your next race and what do you want from it
What are your hopes and expectations for the event
What is your favourite training ‘session’?
Again, as an organiser of the sessions, I would say Hills and Pyramids are the ones that give me most pleasure as I get to administer “encouragement and motivation and hold everyone’s coats”
What would you consider to be your greatest achievement in running
Whoopsadaisy medal and thank you certificate
What is your running ambition?
Simply to overcome my injuries and return to banging my dodgy knees up and down some lovely hills.
How important is it for you to be a member of Rogues
What other sports do you like
What’s your best racing achievement?
My sub 1:30 Half Marathon and sub 40 minute 10k are the ones I am most proud of but completing the Berlin Marathon after failing to complete Brighton is probably the one I should put first.
What, or who, are you a “secret” fan of?
Thomas Ireland
Choose a movie title for the story of your running life.
No Country For Old Men
Can you play any instruments?
If only, but I can croon a few tunes ok
What is the nerdiest / geekiest thing you do in your spare time?
Architectural Walks around Brighton & Hove, this includes pubs
What’s the strangest or useless talent you have?
I have so few talents, I treat them all with great respect
What was your childhood nickname?
Name one thing on your “bucket” list?
A new bucket
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
The ability to make Jacob Rees-Mogg say titwank every time he’s asked about Brexit
When I dance I look like?
Austin Powers, probably
What makes a good friend?
First to the bar
You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what colour would you be?
Borange, or maybe Grown