Running can be an excellent option for those looking to get rid of stubborn belly fat. While it won’t decrease your overall body fat percentage, you may wonder, “does running get rid of belly fat?” Running can help shrink your waistline, including the fat around your midsection – the dreaded love handles, and give you a firmer stomach. Combined with a healthy diet and strength training exercises, running – particularly HIIT (high-intensity interval training) – can be an effective way to burn off excess belly fat.
For best results, you should combine regular cardio sessions with energy-deficit dieting to wake up the body’s metabolism and stay in the calorie deficit needed for fat loss. Remember that the combination of a healthy diet along with strength training exercises such as crunches or planks is important for maintaining a toned stomach and core. In other words: running alone will not guarantee overnight success; it requires hard work and dedication – but the results could be worth the effort!
Benefits of Running
Running is one of the most effective forms of exercise when it comes to getting rid of that stubborn belly, especially visceral fat. Not only will it help you burn off the excess fat, but it’s also great for overall health as it increases your cardiovascular endurance.
The benefits of running are numerous, but let’s focus on how it helps you burn belly fat:
Improved Cardiovascular Health
Running can have significant benefits for cardiovascular health. Regular aerobic activity reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. Running strengthens the heart muscle and increases blood flow throughout the body.
In addition to improving cardiovascular health, running can improve muscular endurance and reduce feelings of fatigue or exhaustion during physical activities. Studies suggest that those who engage in regular aerobic activity may live longer with better physical function than those who do not. This can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.
Running also helps burn fat and improve metabolic health, which can assist in reducing belly fat over time when combined with a healthy diet and consistent exercise schedule.

Increased Metabolism
Regular physical activity is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Not only can regular exercise help increase energy levels and maintain a healthy weight, but it can also play an important role in strengthening muscles, boosting endurance, and promoting overall wellbeing.
Among the various types of physical activity available to people, running is particularly beneficial as it helps improve heart health and helps burn calories faster than other aerobic activities, such as walking. Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of running is that it increases metabolism and promotes fat burning.
Through daily runs and other HIIT exercises, runners are able to create an environment that encourages fat loss in different areas of their bodies – including the abdomen. Cardiovascular activities can be used to target belly fat directly; however, not all forms will be equally effective. Running tends to be considered the most efficient way to reduce belly fat due to its ability to raise the body’s metabolic rate for long periods—causing a bigger calorie burn for up to 48 hours after completing each run.
In order for runners to lose belly fat specifically, they should start by developing good endurance and gradually increasing their run lengths over time while consistently tracking their caloric intake so they are aware of how much energy they are consuming versus expending during each session. Additionally focusing on strength training exercises aimed at building muscle can help runners build power and increase metabolism in order to maximize fat loss from any area of the body, including around the stomach area.
Improved Mood
Running is not only an excellent way to burn calories and improve your overall fitness levels, it also has a range of psychological and emotional benefits. Regularly activating the endorphin-releasing systems in the brain, running can lead to improved moods and lower levels of stress. It can also be used as a way to clear the head, as some people experience a sense of peace while they’re out on the run.
For those looking to get into a new sport or maximize their current exercise routine, running may be an excellent way to achieve this goal. Recent research has shown that regular jogging can help people increase their self-discipline, critical thinking skills, and help them stay goal orientated toward achieving their objectives in life.
Additionally, running can help stabilize our moods by allowing us to engage with other people who share similar goals or interests while training or competing together. This social interaction provides many of the same benefits that exercise alone cannot provide. Studies have shown that connecting with others both mentally and physically through activities such as running can lead to an increase in overall happiness and well-being levels.
Reduced Stress
Running has many mental and physical health benefits, one of which is reduced stress levels. Running can help clear the mind and get rid of worries, allowing you to focus on the present. It also releases endorphins that positively affect your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety, anger and depression. Furthermore, running helps boost self-confidence by challenging the body to meet personal goals or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Additionally, running can serve as an escape for those feeling overwhelmed or in need of a break from life’s trials. The social aspect of running in groups or with friends help to further destress; knowing that there is emotional support from others during this activity even better reinforces the positive effects one will experience when participating in such an activity. As such, running serves as an excellent way to maintain a healthy stress level through its professional, social and psychological components.
How Running Can Help Reduce Belly Fat
Running is a great way to help you lose belly fat, as it is an aerobic activity which can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Additionally, running can help you tone the muscles in your abdomen, which can help give you a slimmer waist.
The type of running you do will also play a role in how effective it is at reducing belly fat. Interval running, which involves short bursts of high intensity followed by lower intensity, is a great way to increase your heart rate and burn more calories.
But how exactly you can leverage running to reduce belly fat? Let’s take a look:
Burning Calories
Visceral fat, which is the fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs, is particularly damaging to your health and one of the major contributors to obesity.
Unlike subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin, visceral fat is much more difficult to lose. The good news is that running can really help reduce this type of fat, and the results are usually seen fairly quickly.
The most important factor in reducing visceral fat is making sure that you are burning more calories than you are consuming through a healthy diet and exercise program. When you go running, you expend a significant amount of energy, which in turn helps to burn away fat.
As a beginner running for weight loss, your body will be burning primarily carbohydrates for energy. As you progress in your running program, you’ll be burning more and more fat for energy; this means that your body will use the fat stored in and around your belly as fuel to keep running.
Additionally, regular running strengthens muscles throughout your midsection, which helps define core muscles and reduces stomach fat. Generally speaking, having strong abdominal muscles won’t reduce overall belly fat because spot reduction is impossible; however, strengthening your abs can help give you a flatter stomach and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Running is an aerobic exercise, meaning it increases your heart rate, gets your lungs working, and helps you zap more calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you’ll burn. That’s why running is great for fat burn because it’s a high-intensity exercise. To maximize calorie-burning potential and reduce belly fat when running:
- Keep up a steady pace rather than taking frequent breaks or slowing down after only a few minutes of running.
- Mix up the terrain on which you run. Running up hills or stairs will help target abdominal muscles while increasing overall calorie burn during each run.
- Choose high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as regular part of your routine if possible; HIIT involves alternating periods of very intense exercise with periods of active rest during one workout session so that maximum goals can be achieved in minimal time span –a great example would be sprints followed by jogs followed by sprints again until finished with the ‘workout’ set.
Building Muscle
In addition to burning calories and improving your cardiovascular health, running boosts your metabolism and helps you build muscle. Building muscle helps to create a leaner look, reducing fat deposits around the waistline. The best way to maximize the effect of running on belly fat is to combine it with other types of exercise that promote muscle growth.
Strength training can be an effective way to build lean muscle, as resistance exercises such as squats and presses help you pack on muscle in all of the right places. Multi-joint exercises, such as lunges and push-ups, also help you target your midsection while helping you build strength throughout your entire body.
For better results, stick with higher intensity strength-training exercises at least two or three times a week when combined with running or other aerobic exercise. To target particularly stubborn fat deposits in the midsection, add ab exercises such as sit-ups or planks into your routine a few times per week as well.
Improving Diet
Making changes to your diet can go a long way in helping you reduce belly fat. One thing that you can do is to increase the amount of protein in your daily meals. Protein helps build muscle and an increase in muscle mass will help regulate your metabolism, making it easier to burn more calories. However, ensuring that these calories come from healthy sources – such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains – and not processed or refined foods will help keep you content longer and lower your likelihood of overeating. Adding fiber-rich foods such as legumes, nuts and seeds will also provide satiety value while keeping calorie count low.
Another way to improve your diet is to limit the amount of added sugar intake as well as other unhealthy fats such as trans fats. Eating whole grain carbohydrates instead of refined carbs like white breads or pastas will also aid in reducing belly fat accumulation due to their low glycemic index ratings which prevent spikes in blood sugar levels; thus reducing cravings for food later on. Finally, try replacing sweetened beverages with plain water throughout the day.

Reducing Cortisol Levels
Reducing stress is a key factor when it comes to making lifestyle changes that will help reduce stomach fat. Research has shown that physical activity like running can help lower the levels of cortisol, which is the hormone in your body that helps regulate stress. When cortisol levels are too high for an extended period of time, even if you are trying to eat healthier and exercise regularly, it can still lead to weight gain.
With regular running, you increase endorphins which counteracts the effect of cortisol on your body, resulting in a decrease of overall fat levels including around the midsection. Running can provide you with calming energy and reduced stress. In general, reducing your stress levels will help control your appetite and cravings for unhealthy food items which may assist in decreasing total calories consumed in a day as well as helping with any poor dietary decisions you may face on a day-to-day basis.
Tips for Safe and Effective Running
Running is a great way to burn calories, lose weight, and tone up your body. It is also one of the most popular forms of exercise for people looking to burn off belly fat. But, like any type of exercise, running must be done properly and safely to prevent injuries or other problems.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your running routine:
Start Slowly
When starting a running routine, it is important to begin slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your runs. Start by running at a comfortable pace that allows you to carry on a conversation, or slightly faster if conversing is too difficult. The goal should be to progress in duration and difficulty over time, not too quickly. Stay within your physical ability level and avoid overexertion. Overexertion can not only lead to fatigue and injuries, but can also impede progress towards achieving any goals established such as increased conditioning or weight loss.
In addition to adhering to the 10% rule of increasing distance or intensity by 10 percent each week, allows for enough rest between runs which provides time for muscular repair as well as mental restoration from physical stress. Engaging in other activities such as walking or cross-training gives the muscles used for running added recovery days without losing aerobic conditioning gained from exercising with consistency. Implementing active rest into your routine is just as important if not more important than focusing solely on running when trying to increase overall fitness level while avoiding injury.
Increase Intensity Gradually
Beginning a running regimen can be intimidating if you haven’t exercised in some time. It’s important to increase your intensity gradually in order to avoid injury and maximize the effectiveness of your exercise. Research shows that increasing intensity too quickly leads to higher rates of injury, so take it slow and enjoy the process!
The most important aspect of any running program is starting slowly. Start by running for just 10 minutes, twice per week, and increase the duration by only five minutes every two weeks. This does not have to be consecutive days – on days where you don’t run, complete low-impact exercises like swimming or biking, balance activities like yoga or Pilates, and stretching routines. As you become stronger and build up endurance, consider adding gentler intervals – maybe two minutes of walking combined with two minutes of steady jogging – as you gradually progress over several weeks.
As long as progress is made safely – don’t worry about how quickly your body will adapt to the challenge.
Finally, when increasing the duration or intensity of your runs – keep an eye out for concerning changes with your body composition such as muscle soreness lasting longer than usual or fatigue that affects more than just aches after finishing a workout session. If something doesn’t feel quite right – rest is key! Listen to your body on rest days, but also nurture its unique ability to enjoy physical activity too! Above all else – stay safe and enjoy the journey!
Incorporate Interval Training
Interval training is an effective way to increase your intensity while running. Interval training is alternating between periods of hard and easy running, or high and low intensity. Doing intervals can also help keep your runs from becoming too monotonous, which may make running a chore rather than a pleasurable activity. This type of training allows you to challenge and improve your fitness, as well as avoid boredom.
For example, you might try jogging for two minutes at an easy pace followed by one minute at a much faster pace (jog-sprinting). On the jog-sprint days reduce your distance that day so that it doesn’t become too intense and cause unnecessary fatigue while improving overall speed and endurance.
When doing intervals, it’s important to:
- Warm up first with a few minutes of easy jogging to get the muscles warm, increase blood flow for better muscle performance, and help prevent injuries.
- Cool down after your run with some gentle stretching or light walking for several minutes to prevent soreness and help your body transition into recovery mode.
- Make sure all exercises are done in a safe way that works for you individual strengths and abilities; good form is key when doing intervals.
Stay Hydrated
When running and exercising, it’s important to stay hydrated. This means drinking plenty of water before, during and after your runs and exercise sessions. You should also consider carrying a water bottle with you on your runs or having access to a water bottle on the route you plan on running. Hydration is an essential part of maintaining energy levels and preventing fatigue while running, so make sure to drink plenty of water before and during your runs.
It’s also important to:
- Wear proper running clothing for comfort.
- Choose the right footwear for cushioning.
- Spend sufficient time stretching pre-run for flexibility.
Working up a sweat through exercise causes the body to lose more fluids than normal, so adding electrolytes into your beverage can help replenish what was lost during exercise and keep you from becoming dehydrated any further. It is also important to rest the necessary amount to ensure that you’re ready for your next training session.
In conclusion, running can help to reduce belly fat, especially if combined with proper nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. Running is one of the most effective aerobic exercises out there and can be a great way to burn calories and work off excess fat.
However, it is important to note that no amount of running can replace a healthy diet and exercise plan. Also remember that running is not the only kind of exercise that will help you achieve desirable results; different types of physical activity such as yoga and strength training may be more suitable depending on individual goals.
It is best to create a tailored plan which takes into account fitness level and other factors in order to make reasonable progress towards reducing abdominal fat.