How to Start a Running Group


The Rise of Running Crews

Running groups, also known as running crews, have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people embrace the sport of running. These groups offer a sense of community, motivation, and support for runners of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned runner looking to connect with like-minded individuals or a beginner seeking guidance and encouragement, joining a running crew can be a great way to enhance your running experience. If you’re interested in how to start a running group, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Define your mission and values: Determine the purpose and goals of your running crew. Are you focused on improving performance, promoting health and wellness, or simply having fun? Clarify the values that will guide your crew.
  • Gather a core group: Find a few dedicated runners who are enthusiastic about the idea of a running crew. This core group will help to establish the foundation of your crew and attract more members.
  • Set meeting times and locations: Decide on a regular meeting schedule and determine the best locations for your runs. Consider factors such as safety, accessibility, and variety.
  • Promote your crew: Spread the word about your running crew through social media, local events, and word-of-mouth. Create a catchy name and logo that represent your crew’s identity and values. Go for branding that will look great on things like t-shirts and flyers.
  • Plan engaging activities: Organize group runs, training sessions, races, and other social events that will keep members engaged and motivated.
  • Foster a supportive environment: Encourage members to support and uplift one another. Create a positive and welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels included and motivated to achieve their running goals.

Starting a running group can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to connect with a community of fellow runners and make running a fun and social activity. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and enjoy the journey together.

How to Start a Running Group

Running Groups vs. Clubs: Which One is Right for You?

Running groups, also known as running crews, and running clubs are both great ways to connect with other runners and improve your running experience. However, there are some differences between the two:

Running Groups:

  • Often organized by local training associations, running stores, or health clubs.
  • More casual and less structured than running clubs.
  • May not require a membership fee.
  • Focus on group runs and may offer training programs for runners of all levels.
  • Can help build motivation, create support networks, and provide a healthy social outlet for both new runners and veterans of the sport.

Running Clubs:

  • Have a specific focus, such as training for a race or running for a charitable cause.
  • More formal and structured organizations usually require a membership fee.
  • Offer weekly group runs and/or walks along with more formalized training programs for beginning runners to seasoned marathoners and beyond.
  • Can own and operate events that attract members along with the general public to participate in the sport.
  • Provide coaching, community, and motivation to keep you on track—no matter how far or fast you go.
  • Provide the opportunity to run with and compete against runners of similar or even slightly better ability.

In summary, running groups are more casual and less structured, while running clubs are more formal and structured. Running groups may not require a membership fee while running clubs do. Running clubs have a specific focus and offer more formalized training programs while running groups focus on group runs. Both provide motivation, support, and a healthy social outlet for runners.

Benefits of Joining a Running Crew

Building a Supportive Community

  • Joining a running crew allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for running.
  • You can meet new friends who will support and encourage you to achieve your running goals.
  • Being part of a community helps you stay motivated and provides a sense of belonging.
  • You can participate in group runs, social events, and even races together, creating memorable experiences. 

Motivation and Accountability

  • Running with a crew provides built-in motivation to get out and run regularly.
  • The camaraderie and friendly competition within the crew can push you to achieve new personal bests.
  • Knowing that others are counting on you can provide an added level of accountability to stick to your training plan.
  • It’s easier to stay motivated when you have a group of people cheering you on and celebrating your achievements in your fitness journey. 

Learning and Improvement Opportunities

  • Joining a running crew gives you access to experienced runners who can provide guidance and tips.
  • You can learn about proper running techniques, training strategies, and injury prevention.
  • Crew members often share their experiences and knowledge, helping you become a better runner.
  • Running with others can push you to try new routes, distances, or types of training, leading to an overall improvement in your running abilities.

So, if you’re looking to enhance your running experience and take your training to the next level, consider joining a running crew. The benefits of community, motivation, and learning opportunities are invaluable in helping you reach your running goals.

How to Start a Running Group

Finding Like-Minded Runners

Connecting with Local Runners

  • Start by reaching out to local running clubs or groups in your area.
  • Attend local running events, such as races or fun runs, and network with other participants.
  • Join online forums or communities dedicated to running in your city or region.
  • Ask friends, family, and colleagues if they know any runners who might be interested in joining a crew.
  • Reach out to local running stores and ask about any running groups or meetups they may have

Utilizing Social Media Platforms

  • Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with runners in your area
  • Join running-related groups or communities on Facebook and participate in discussions
  • Use hashtags related to running in your city or region on Instagram to find and connect with other runners
  • Create a Facebook or Instagram page specifically for your running crew and use it as a platform to promote events and connect with potential members

Finding like-minded runners can be an exciting and rewarding process. By reaching out to local running communities and leveraging social media platforms, you can find the perfect group of runners to start your own crew!

How to Start a Running Group

Setting a Clear Vision and Goals

Defining the Purpose of the Crew

Before your first run, it is important to define the purpose of your running crew to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Are there any rules and guidelines you need to incorporate? Consider the following steps:

  • Clarify the purpose and goals of your running crew. Is it focused on training for races, promoting fitness, or building a sense of community?
  • Identify the core activities and events that the crew will focus on.
  • Set specific goals and objectives that align with the crew’s purpose.
  • Define what values and principles the crew will uphold, such as inclusivity, support, and camaraderie.
  • Determine if there will be any specific criteria or requirements for joining the crew, such as a certain running ability or commitment level.

Establishing a Regular Meeting Schedule

To keep the crew organized and motivated, establish a regular meeting schedule that works for everyone. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Decide on the frequency and day/time of the crew’s regular meetings or runs.
  • Consider the availability and preferences of potential members.
  • Create a consistent schedule to ensure regular participation and build a sense of routine and commitment.
  • Create an agenda for each meeting to ensure that important topics are addressed.
  • Encourage open communication and participation from all crew members.
  • Use meetings as an opportunity to discuss progress, plan upcoming events, and address any challenges or concerns.

By setting a clear vision and goals for your running crew and establishing a regular meeting schedule, you can ensure that everyone is aligned and working together towards a common purpose.

How to Start a Running Group

Organizing Group Runs and Training Sessions

Choosing Suitable Routes and Locations

When organizing group runs and training sessions for your running crew, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Research different running routes in your area that offer a mix of terrain and scenery to keep things interesting.
  • Look for routes that are safe and scenic.
  • Consider varying distances to accommodate different fitness levels.
  • Choose routes that have adequate space for the group to run comfortably.
  • Choose locations with ample parking and easy access for participants.

Incorporating Varied Workouts and Challenges

To keep your running crew engaged and motivated, it’s essential to incorporate varied workouts and challenges into your group runs and training sessions. Consider the following:

  • Mix up the training sessions with different types of workouts, such as interval training, hill repeats, and tempo runs.
  • Set goals and create challenges for the group to work towards e.g. Couch 2 5K.
  • Provide support and encouragement during challenging workouts.
  • Celebrate the group’s achievements and acknowledge individual progress.

Remember, the key to a successful running crew is creating an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels motivated and inspired to achieve their running goals.

Promoting Team Spirit and Camaraderie

Creating a sense of team spirit and camaraderie is vital for a running crew. It helps members bond and fosters a supportive and encouraging environment. Here are some strategies to promote team spirit:

  • Creating a Crew Identity: Design a crew logo or uniform that members can proudly wear during group runs or races. It helps create a sense of belonging and unity among the team.
  • Organizing Social Events and Activities: Plan regular social events such as team dinners, outings, or parties. It allows members to connect on a personal level and build friendships outside of running.
  • Setting Group Goals: Establish common goals that the crew can work towards together, such as participating in a race as a team or achieving individual running milestones. It builds a sense of collective accomplishment.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Encourage crew members to support and motivate each other during training runs and races. Celebrate each other’s achievements and provide constructive feedback when needed.
  • Creating a Positive Environment: Foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the crew. Emphasize the importance of respect, encouragement, and support for all members, regardless of their running ability.
  • Team-building Exercises: Incorporate team-building exercises or activities into training sessions. These can include partner runs, relay races, or team challenges that require collaboration and communication.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team achievements. Recognize outstanding performances or personal milestones with small rewards or acknowledgments.

Promoting team spirit and camaraderie not only enhances the overall running experience but also creates a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can inspire and motivate each other to reach their running goals.

How to Start a Running Group

Engaging in Community Initiatives

Participating in Local Races and Events

  • Join local races and events as a running crew to represent your community and show support.
  • Encourage members to participate in a variety of distances and events to cater to different running abilities.
  • Collaborate with event organizers to create special group registration rates or perks for your crew.
  • Organize group training sessions to prepare for upcoming races and events.

Supporting Charitable Causes

  • Choose a charitable cause that aligns with your running crew’s values and mission.
  • Organize fundraising events like fun runs or virtual races to raise funds for the chosen cause.
  • Volunteer as a group for local charities and contribute your time and services.
  • Promote awareness of the cause through social media and community outreach.

These community initiatives will not only strengthen your running crew’s bond but also make a positive impact on your local community.

how to start a running crew

Managing Logistics and Operations

Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

  • Designate a crew leader who will be responsible for coordinating and organizing the running crew.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities to crew members, such as group leader, pacers, timekeeper, route planner, and safety officer.
  • Ensure clear communication and teamwork among crew members to effectively manage logistics.

Ensuring Safety and Proper Communication

  • Prioritize safety by ensuring crew members adhere to proper running practices and use appropriate equipment.
  • Implement a communication system, such as radios or mobile apps, to keep everyone connected during runs.
  • Regularly assess and address any safety concerns or issues that arise during training or running sessions.

Remember to always prioritize safety and effective communication to ensure smooth operations and a successful running crew.

Nurturing Growth and Longevity

Attracting New Members

To ensure the growth and longevity of your running crew, it is important to continuously attract new members. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Promote inclusivity: Create a welcoming environment where runners of all skill levels and backgrounds feel comfortable joining.
  • Host open runs: Organize regular open runs that are accessible to anyone interested in joining your crew.
  • Utilize social media: Leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase the activities and community of your running crew.
  • Offer incentives: Provide incentives for current members to refer new runners to the crew, such as discounts on merchandise or special privileges.
  • Collaborate: Partner with other local running groups or organizations to expand your reach and attract new members.

Keep Members Engaged and Motivated

  • Organize regular group runs or training sessions to provide a consistent schedule
  • Create challenges or competitions within the club to keep members motivated
  • Host social events to foster a sense of community and friendship among club members
  • Encourage members to set personal goals and provide support in achieving them
  • Celebrate members’ achievements and milestones

Providing Opportunities for Leadership

In order to foster a sense of ownership and commitment among your running crew, it is important to provide opportunities for leadership. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Delegate responsibilities: Assign specific roles and responsibilities to members within the crew, such as organizing races, coordinating social events, or managing social media accounts.
  • Encourage ideas and feedback: Create an environment where members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and providing feedback on how the crew can improve.
  • Offer mentorship programs: Pair experienced runners with newer members to provide guidance and support in their running journey.
  • Recognize achievements: Celebrate the accomplishments of individual members by highlighting their progress and milestones during group events or on social media.
  • Provide training opportunities: Offer workshops or training sessions to help members develop their running skills and knowledge.

By attracting new members and providing opportunities for leadership, you can ensure the continued growth and success of your running crew for years to come.

how to start a running crew


Starting a running crew can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Not only will you have the opportunity to improve your own fitness and meet new people, but you can also create a supportive community that encourages and motivates each other. By following these tips and staying dedicated to your vision, you can embark on a successful running crew journey and enjoy the many benefits it brings. Lace-up your running shoes and get ready to hit the pavement with your new crew!

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