The first (and I’m sure not the last) Rogues Quiz was held at The Freemasons pub on Thursday 28th Feb.
What a fantastic turn out, and it was a really fun and enjoyable evening. Apologies for such a late finish, we just didn’t want the night to end!
Plenty of ideas had been provided for the evening, and the most important being to hold a charity raffle for Suzy Hawker’s Macmillan fundraising efforts ready for the London marathon (boob extravaganza)!
So with the room ready and waiting Rogues started to arrive at 7pm drinks in hand, and mostly with no team prepared, leaving it to the table spreadsheet to decide who went where!
A quick welcome and the introduction of the Arts and Crafts Rogue challenge, and by 7.45 we were off.
6 teams of approximately 38 Rogues and friends tried to engage their quiz brains, starting with the Brighton and Hove round!
From the results, there are clearly some Rogues who frequent the local pubs of Brighton and Hove more than others, and who had the benefit of being born and bred “Brightonians”!!
A picture round was handed out, then it was The Body, followed by a 4×4 round before a quick refreshment break!
We then had a fun and informative talk provided by Dr Rob Galloway (medical director for the Brighton marathon and The Amex stadium)
We are hoping that summary of slides will be available shortly and I think the main messages were clear:
Don’t use anti- inflammatories
Drink to thirst
If you see a runner in trouble who has collapsed… and is not responding, they may well be over heating so use a head tilt to keep their airway open, try to cool them down (get ice if you can and place around the body) and get medical attention as soon as possible
Links are below for anyone wishing to volunteer with the medical support services for the marathon: (please go to whichever section they would like to volunteer for).
There may also be an opportunity to be part of a research project… Please email:
The charity raffle took place with Leah winning the top prize of a GoPro (kindly donated by Gareth), and every table had a winner!
Then it was back to business and rounds of music, Harrigan’s running round and a few others!!
Matt Lee kindly judged the Arts and Crafts round. Given the brief: to design a scene from a Rogue Running event – it has to be said there was a varying degree of artistic licence used by some of the teams!! Top points went to Dusty Carpets, who also won Best Team name of the night (judged by Gareth Perry)!
Eventually (as some of the rounds had additional questions per question thrown in by our eloquent quiz master: Gareth)… we came to count the scores!!
It was close.. and after three counts to check (the winning margin being half a point) the top team were announced: Rogue Runners Up aka Where is Enrique’s t-shirt!!
So team captain: Enrique (of course) proudly collected the coveted prize of a team entry into the Ragnar relay along with the Rogues Quiz trophy
So the final standings:
Rogue Runners Up: 93 points
Rogue 1: 92.5 Deadwood: 90
We ❤️ Gareth: 88.5
Dusty Carpets: 87
Fantastic 6+ Betty: 77.5
The final charity count on the night: Clocktower Sanctuary – £190 from entries
Suzys London marathon Macmillan fundraiser – £210.20
Thank you everyone for your additional donations that have been arriving directly to The Just Giving pages, especially if you were unable to join the fun!
Massive thanks go to:
Freemasons pub
Gareth Perry (quiz master extraordinaire)
Cath Sweby, Anna Rhodes and Matt Lee (for their help in arranging the evening)
Enrique Martin (for help setting up and providing the light boards that illuminated the evening)
Everyone who donated raffle prizes, particularly: Gareth, Emma Harrop, Dave Robinson, Tamir Sharp, Anna, Magda and Diane.
We hope to see you all next time!
We promise it will have an earlier finish!!