Rogue Runners

Workout of the week: 004 – Hill Intervals

cheerful sportswoman running along hill in summer

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Hey friends! This week’s workout is all about getting your heart rate up and getting sweaty! We’ll be doing a mix of intervals, hills, and tempo work.


Intervals are a great way to improve your speed and endurance. For this workout, we’ll be doing 5 minutes of hard running, followed by 1 minute of easy running. Repeat this 5 times for a total of 30 minutes.


Hills are a great way to build strength. For this workout, find a hill that takes about 1 minute to run up. Run up the hill at a hard effort, then jog or walk back down to recover. Repeat this 5 times.


Tempo work is a great way to improve your lactate threshold. For this workout, we’ll be running at a hard, but sustainable, pace for 20 minutes.

Here’s the workout breakdown:

5 minute warm up

5 x 5 minute intervals

5 x 1 minute hills

20 minute tempo

5 minute cool down

Make sure to warm up properly before starting this workout and to cool down afterwards. I’ll see you out there!

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