Rogue Runners

Get Up and Go! Unlock the Benefits of a Morning Running Routine

silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

Photo By Mohamed Nohassi

Starting your day with a good run can be incredibly rewarding. Not only does it give you an energy boost to power through the day ahead, but it can also help improve your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that regular running has beneficial impacts on your heart health, weight management, and mood regulation among other things. Exercise can also help to increase concentration and productivity; research suggests that even just 20 minutes of daily exercise can maximize your cognitive performance, so what better way to improve both your physical and mental state than by creating a morning running routine?

Is it good to run as soon as you wake up?

If you’re considering adding morning runs to your routine, it’s important to take into account the individual and their preferences. Some people report feeling more energized and focused after an early run, while others may need a bit more time to allow their bodies to feel awake and comfortable.

Regardless of preference, there can be some advantages associated with running in the morning. It can help regulate sleep patterns, jumpstart and increase metabolism, and promote clarity of thought to start the day right. Furthermore, running in the morning can help to tone the body more quickly because you have the rest of the day to recover. This is especially beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight since it encourages a greater amount of calories burned while your body is still recovering from a lack of sleep. Additionally, running first thing in the morning gives you a sense of accomplishment that can help you tackle tasks throughout the day with more confidence and motivation.

However, also consider how you feel when first waking up and any risks associated with running in a groggy state, as that could potentially be dangerous. If you decide to give it a go, start with easy, shorter runs and gradually build your stamina over time. Listen to your body and determine when you feel most ready for a run!

Reasons why many people struggle to start an early morning running routine

Despite knowing the numerous benefits of a morning running routine, many people still struggle to make such an activity part of their everyday lives. This could be due to a lack of motivation or time constraints; mornings can be chaotic, especially when juggling work and family life commitments at once. People may also be intimidated by the thought of having to hit their peak performance in order for their run to be worthwhile or they might not know where to start or how to build up their endurance gradually over time.

Setting Up Your Morning Runner Routine

Choosing the Right Time to Head Out the Door:

When it comes to running, one of the most important decisions you can make is finding a time that works best for you. Consider your daily schedule and ask yourself when you have enough free time to dedicate to the activity. Do you prefer to run in the morning, afternoon or evening? If you have a regular job, look at when your break times are and if they align with your preferred time. Make sure not to neglect family time and work responsibilities.

Preparing the Night Before:

Planning ahead is just as important as choosing when to run. Make sure you have all of your running essentials gathered together in one place; this includes items such as comfortable shoes, proper clothing and water bottles. These items help create a smooth transition from rest mode into an active exercising state and eliminate excessive stress or wasted time from the ritual of starting off each workout.

If you find yourself short on time, one way to ensure that you make it out the door for your morning run is to sleep in your running clothes. This way, you won’t need to take extra time in the morning to change out of your pyjamas and into your running gear. You’ll be all set to get up and get out, so you can make the most of your fitness routine. Additionally, sleepwear designed specifically for athletes can offer comfort during workouts and help wick away sweat during exercise. Whatever you choose, making sure you have comfortable clothing that is designed for physical activity will help enhance your performance as a runner.

Setting Goals and Tracking Progress:

Goals are key motivators when it comes to running; they help keep us focused, on track and performing at our highest level. Some ideas include improving overall speed, increasing endurance levels or reaching a certain kilometre mark within a set number of weeks/months. Additionally,

Getting Out the Door

Overcoming Morning Grogginess:

Waking up early can be a difficult task for most people, especially when it comes to workouts. To start, try setting an alarm 15 minutes earlier than your usual waking time, then gradually increase the time until you can get up and move when you want to. Additionally, get some light stretching in and drink some water or tea before starting any exercise. Make sure you get enough sleep so that you don’t automatically reach for the alarm clock snooze button instead of getting out of bed.

Making Running a Habit:

Start by finding a routine that works for you. Schedule running days into your week and stick with them; this will help make running part of your daily habit instead of something that has to be done whenever you find the time. Additionally, make use of technology such as fitness trackers and apps to track your progress and give yourself some accountability.

Finding Motivation:

You must have an external motivator or goal so that you have something to strive for while on your journey. This could involve taking part in races or challenging yourself to run longer distances each week. Having something tangible to aim for is key to staying motivated and maintaining focus throughout the process of becoming a runner.

Staying Safe and Comfortable

Gear Up:

Dressing appropriately for the weather means wearing running clothes and running shoes that are suitable for the temperature and conditions outside. This could include wearing layers of clothing on a cold day, or light, breathable fabrics when it is hot or humid. An important part of dressing appropriately is also ensuring you have appropriate footwear and accessories such as a hat, scarf, and gloves if necessary.

Warm Up & Down:

Warming up properly before physical activity is essential to being safe while exercising. This includes stretching your muscles to allow them to become more flexible and reduce the risk of injury. Doing dynamic stretching exercises like lunges and squats can help to raise your body temperature which will make it easier for your muscles to work at their best during exercise.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

Staying hydrated before, during, and after any physical activity is important in maintaining energy levels and performance. It’s recommended that individuals take regular sips of water throughout their workout, aiming to drink approximately 500ml hourly while active. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day will help to ensure adequate hydration leading into exercise as well as aiding with post-exercise recovery.

Incorporating Variety

Mixing up Your Route:

If you run the same route every time, it can get boring and may even prevent you from reaching your full running potential. Mixing up your route can help to keep things interesting and provide a challenge that helps improve performance. Try out different terrains such as hills and trails, or even change the order of streets you typically run on. This type of variety will keep your workouts fresh and further improve your physical adaptability to various running conditions.

Incorporating Strength Training:

Strengthening muscles that are used for running can help to reduce the risk of injury and increase overall performance. Make sure to include exercises that target muscle groups used in running, like glutes, hamstrings, core, and quads. Doing this in addition to regular runs is a great way to maximize the benefit of both activities while also incorporating variety into your workout routine.

Cross Training:

Cross-training is an important part of any fitness routine, especially for those who are looking to take their running to the next level. It adds balance to a workout regimen by strengthening different muscle groups that may not be targeted during a typical running routine and provides variety and interest in a workout plan. By mixing running with other forms of aerobic exercises, such as cycling, swimming, or yoga, runners can build endurance and gain a fitness boost while still getting the cardiovascular benefits of running.

Cross-training also helps reduce the risk of overuse injuries by giving the body a break from running and focusing on different movements and muscles. Overall, combining running with cross-training can help anyone reach their fitness goals.


Rising early has been proven to provide numerous physical and mental health benefits, including increased energy levels and a more positive outlook throughout the day. Studies have also found that running in the morning helps to improve focus, reduce stress, and provides motivation for tackling challenging tasks.

A reminder of the Importance of Consistency and Setting Attainable Goals – Starting a morning running routine is a great way to motivate yourself for any long-term goals you have; however, it is important to remember that consistency is key. You should aim to make time for your runs at least three times per week, and set realistic goals that are achievable within your current lifestyle. Doing this will help ensure that you stay motivated and see results over time.

Encouragement to Start a Morning Running Routine – If you are looking for an easy way to start your day on the right foot, then consider creating a morning running routine in order to reap the many benefits that come with it!

By rising earlier than usual, setting attainable goals, and remaining consistent with your scheduled runs, you will well on your way to becoming a morning runner as well as starting to see an improvement in both your physical and mental state.

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