Rogue Runners

Meet Vicki Balfour

First off the block in the Rogues Profile section is a runner who was awarded the Rogue Marathon Runner of The Year in April 2018

for the enthusiasm, commitment and joy that she has shown throughout the long winter months and that was the lovely Vicki Balfour! Vicki truly embodies the spirit of Rogues
– Gareth Perry

When did you start running? My first run ever was in September 2015.
I remember; it was just when I gave up smoking and could only run 2.5 km and had to stop and walk the rest of the way home. If I could have got a taxi back I would have!

Why do you run?
I run because I love it. It’s my most thing to do and if I could I would run 24/7. Putting in the hard work and then seeing improvements is also quite exciting to see it all paying off.

When is your next race and what do you want from it?
I have the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday. Am hoping for a PB – we’ll see what happens.

What are your hopes and expectations for this event?
I’m hoping the weather’s going to be kind to us all. The wind can make running really tough. Expectations wise, PB aside, I want to run the whole race with a smile on my face. That to is always fundamental that I enjoy it.

What is your training session?
All of the rogue sessions are good as they all focus on different aspects of speed work, however, my has to be the 1k repeats. It’s nice to go out hard and then have the recovery before going back out again.

What are your pre and post race meals?
Pre Race: I always have steak, mash potato, green beans, broccoli and beetroot before a race. Post Race: Normally involves a burger in a pub somewhere.

How important is it to be a member of Rogues?
To me, being a part of the Rogues is really important. I owe so much to this amazing club. It’s not just about the running, it’s also the support and the people that go with it. The people who are part of Rogues have become amazing friends. It doesn’t matter what speed you are, it’s a club for everyone. Everyone is so inclusive and supportive and I honestly can’t imagine not being a part of this club. Without the Rogue’s, I personally wouldn’t have ever run a marathon, I wouldn’t have met the amazing people that I have and I certainly wouldn’t have made the incredible memories that I have.

What other sports do you like?
I love Crossfit, hockey cycling.

What is your best racing achievement?
It’s hard to pinpoint one particular racing achievement as 2018 was a year I will never forget for many reasons. I ran my first marathon last April in Brighton (I never thought I’d get to the start line being out injured with knee trouble for a year and a half). To 6 months later beating my marathon time by 7 minutes on a hillier course and then 3 weeks later running Beachy Head Marathon and seeing most of the Rogues on . It was also the year I entered the ballot for Berlin and Chicago marathon and got both races. Let’s see what 2019 has to offer…

What, or who, are you a “secret” fan of?
Britney Spears. She was my first crush.

What’s the strangest or useless talent you have?
I was known as bolter of the year at uni as I could down a pint quicker than anyone else.

Name one thing on your “bucket” list?
There are so many! But the first one that springs to mind is climbing mount or Everest.

At which store would you like to your credit card?
Selfridges in London and Nike.

Do you have any strange phobias?
Most people know this already but I’m scared of fish and the sea…

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